About the project
Promotional Advertising

Wall Branding

With its strong existence throughout the years, it is no doubt that, wall branding remains to be a very effective marketing medium. it helps customers recall the product message conveyed, with its repeat exposure.

Street Poles

Philamax ventures has developed a network of street poles (superlight) in partnership with local authorities essentially to provide the local community with the much needed electric lighting of roads in target areas, but for sustainability purposes, installs double sided advertising light boxes that display advert for customer products and services, the strength in street poles lighting is largely the repetitive nature of ads on a street allowing high recall rate enhanced by their 24 hour visibility

Large Formatting

Billboards can be an effective way to generate a name or product recognition with travelling customers. Placing an Ad on a billboard that includes a company name and a memorable image of a product or service stays visible 24 hors a day.